
Category: Skin

Just How Much Does The Sun Age Your Skin?

A woman's face with skin aging from the sun

Sun exposure is responsible for most of the visible aging of your skin—far more than all other factors combined. Yes, UV rays from the sun are the primary cause of wrinkles, pigmentation, sun spots, reduced skin elasticity, the degradation of skin texture, and many other signs of skin aging. In fact, many scientific estimates have […]


The Effects Of Ozone Depletion On Your Skin And Eyes

Ozone layer depletion increases skin and eye damage from the sun

There are many complicated implications of climate change, but one consequence that has been indisputably measured is the depletion of the ozone layer: the part of the atmosphere that protects us from cosmic radiation. You can argue about what exactly caused it, but not that it has happened. The depletion of the ozone layer has […]


17 Myths About Sun Exposure

Couple on beach getting sun exposure

The sun emits radiation—in the form of electromagnetic rays—which reaches you here on earth. While the visible part of this spectrum lights up your world, other parts of the spectrum including ultraviolet B (UVB) and ultraviolet A (UVA) have varying effects. UVB rays cause you to tan and burn, and also stimulate the production of […]


17 Skin Care Tips For Cold Weather

Skin on woman's face in cold weather

Cold winter weather can be harsh to your skin. Cold air, wind, and low humidity outdoors dry your skin out. Similarly, warm and dry air indoors steals moisture from your skin. Without the proper care, dry skin can lead to redness, itchiness, chapping, and cracking, and even other skin conditions such as eczema and acne. […]


Summer Sun Protection Tips

Woman With Sunscreen On Her Face For Sun Protection

It’s summer. It’s sunny outside. People are doing fun things in the sun and you want to too! You can produce Vitamin D in the sun. And yes it feels good to get a little sunlight. Just understand that there are tradeoffs to sun exposure. Every second you’re in the sun damages your skin and […]

